Stand on Shoulders

2 min readFeb 19, 2021

Have you heard the sayings that we stand on the shoulders of our ancestors (African proverb) or the shoulders of giants (Isaac Netwon, c. 1675)? Of course, not literally, but most if not all of us have someone who has lifted us literally or figuratively, in person, through books, stories, the Internet, etc. None of us ever truly stand-alone, although it may look or feel like it.

To move forward to maximize your potential and develop your legacy, you must learn and develop your ability to draw upon the resources within and around you.

Questions & Self-Reflection:

What can you draw upon as a leader, a team, and an organization?

What resources do you have?

  • Books
  • Internet
  • People (human and social capital — family, friends, predecessors, team, contacts, networks, etc.)
  • History
  • Lessons learned
  • Stories
  • Passed-down legacies to draw from

Frequently, we hear that the fruit does not fall far from the tree or a similar saying with a negative connotation. Well, what about the positive? Things passed down typically come with a mixture of strengths, weaknesses, and challenges like anything else, but why focus on the negative?

Look at the information or strategies you gained from what worked or lessons learned for what did not.

Do you have something you can gain from in your personal life, family, community, background, experiences, and history that you can draw from? If so, what? How can you use it as a strength?

Do you have something you can gain from in your leadership, team, or organizational background, experiences, and history that you can draw from? If so, what? How can you use it as a strength?

Do you have something you can gain from in your neighborhood, state, heritage, national background, experiences, and history that you can draw from? If so, what? How can you use it as a strength?


Newton, I. (c. 1675). Issac Newton Quotes.

Laura D. Harver is the founder and CEO of Harver Edge, LLC, the Innovative Solutionista™, and a credentialed Professional Certified Coach (PCC) through the International Coach Federation (ICF). She covers topics centered around leadership, health & well-being (individual, family, organizational), diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, and legacy development.

